Pranayama is a science that enables an individual to control the power of the mind’s inner force by regulating the breath at different styles and duration. During ancient times pranayama was used by yogis as a tool or pathway to regulate the “nadi”, which eventually led to the activation of chakras in the body to achieve a state of higher consciousness (Samadhi in Sanskrit), which was the ultimate aim of their life. Today, after so many centuries of modifications, we use it to regulate the ‘prana’ (life force) or simply for its therapeutic benefits to our body and mind. Therefore, at CNCC, the patients will undergo the course of learning physical & mental discipline. Of course, our yoga training doesn’t just focus on the physical aspect of yoga, but the participant will also learn that yoga is beyond just stretching & flexing the body (asanas); it also helps you understand one’s own body & concord their mind to make their lives a fruitful living. CNCC, through its authentic yoga and pranayama sessions, exposes and guides you to various breathing techniques that give you control over your health.